Sunday, August 1, 2010

Back to the age of Technology

Just got to Rome where we are re-connected to the internet so we have a couple of days to catch up on.  Starting with Friday 7/30/10 when we went to the Island of Capri. We get off the ferry and shopped a little around the landing then saw signs to Centro. Off we went to find the Centro. It ended up being about a mile straight up in 90 degree weather but we were proud of ourselves for doing it. Of course one of the motivating factors was the knowledge that our parents had done it not so long ago, so we simply couldn’t punk out. Did a little shopping up top, but more window shopping and picture taking then anything. The stores were amazing. A lot of high-end merchandise. Lunch time rolled around and we found a cute little café where we shared a delightful meal, beer followed by Limoncello (we are in the region where this Lemony liquor is made). All was delicious. Laura and I have taken to splitting a caprese salad (Tomatoes, Mozzarella and Basil with olive oil) at each meal. I can not believe the flavor the tomatoes have here. I don’t know what variety they are but they are so sweet and ripe, round redness of perfection.

After lunch we each bought a couple of small souvenirs and back down the hill we went. Ok we punked out and took a cab down, which in hindsight was safest for all as the Limoncello was kicking in. Got down to the bottom and decided we would sit at an outdoor bar until our departure from this quaint place whereupon we indulged in a few more Limoncello’s. This stuff is sent straight from the lemon Gods!

The time for our ferry back to Sorrento came so we hopped on the ferry and each made it about :30 before our heads bobbed in a Limoncello induced slumber. But for the toddler who’s parents were kind enough to buy him a blow horn, it would have been a very relaxing nap.

Went back to the room cleaned up a bit and then went down to our favorite gelatto guy who runs a restaurant.  Had some fabulous minestrone and split some pasta.  We've both commented on how we need to figure out how to cook pasta al dente, it is truly delicious.

An amazing thunder and lightening storm moved in just about the time we were heading back to our room.  The lightening lit up the horizon with bolts looking like they were directly hitting Mt. Vesuvio (of Pompei fame).  It went on for about three hours and was fantastic to watch.  Another great day on our Italian adventure!

More to come...

The Worcester Sisters

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