Friday, June 25, 2010

27 Days to go (but who's counting?)

My sister has started us off on this blogging thing which should be a blast with the two of us jointly yet independently posting.  She described us very well - how different we are yet still able to connect in a deep way.  What she didn't go into is how these differences get us into strange situations.  I mean really strange.  It has gotten to the point where we just look at each other and ask ourselves "why does this always happen when we are together?"  Can't wait to see what Italy brings us. 

We (or I should say I) have been practicing Italian.  I have been listening to the Pimsleur tapes for about 3 years now so I am prepared.  If we need to find Via Valdi in Rome - I am the gal to do it!  The good news is that while I may not be able to speak it fluently - I improve with every glass of wine! 

We have the trip fairly well outlined and I for one am thrilled as we are going to places that I have not been before.  We will be heading farther south and into Sorrento taking day trips from there.  The weather should be beautiful (fa bello) during our stay and we will have quite a few days on the coast which will be fun.  Don't ask me which coast, but there definately is water! 

I am about to begin the packing process.  For those who know me - this should not seem out of the ordinary.  I am certain that Mollie will begin by say July22nd!  God help us!

I can't wait to take this particular journey with my sister.  We have both been through hell the past couple of years and have lived to tell about it.  I believe that this trip will be one that starts us both on the next paths of our lives......

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

37 days to go and we're off to Italy

Laura and I are in our official countdown.  We have some plans of where we will be visiting as noted in the previous post, but today, during our daily phone call, we came to the realization it really doesn't matter where we end up, we'll be in ITALY!!  There will be wine!  There will be olive oil!   There will be sunflowers!   And of course we'll be two sisters together on yet another romantic trip!

Stay tuned as we continue the countdown to take-off!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

45 day countdown to Italy

Today marks the official count down for the ULTIMATE sister's trip to Italy.  My sis Laura and I (Mollie) have experienced many journeys together.  We make it our goal to meet somewhere every year, just the two of us, as 3,000 miles separates us physically from one another (I live in Boston, Laura in Portland, Or).  We share a very tight bond despite the land between us that keeps us from daily coffee or drinks.  We make up for the obstructing distance by daily phone calls, Skype or emails to keep each other updated.

With this blog we will share our biggest travel adventure together---Italy.  With our posts you, dear readers will be taken along for the ride.  While Laura and I have logged many miles together, this is certain to be a major travel milestone for us.

For those who read this and don't know us, welcome!  Here's a very brief bio:  Laura and I are complete opposites in just about every way---she: very polished, organized and refined; me:  not so much!  I am the complete antithesis of polished, organized and refined.  We are the personification of Yin and Yang, when together we make one whole person, though we both lead very independent lives.  Through our posts you will get to know us better, you will hear each of our voices and my guess it will become apparent to you rather quickly our differences and yet we so often share one voice.

A main theme in any of our travels is laughter, and we expect this to be no different.  We laugh until we cry, it is the best ab workout ever!  When Laura laughs it's orchestral; me--I'm a snorter though not in a Chrissy from Three's Company kinda way.

Our Italian adventure begins July 23rd with us meeting up in at JFK in NY for  our flight to Milan---Laura in First Class, me--Coach, another difference between us :-)  That said she always takes good care of me and I am sure she will be sending drinks back my way.

We will begin our adventure in the Volterra region for the first few days, then on to Sorrento and surrounding areas.   Next stop Rome and the grand finale in Monte Grotto.  Laura has put together a basic itinerary as this is a return trip for her and my first, but for the most part we will just be letting this trip unfold as we go along.

So sit back and enjoy the journey as we all learn together where this will take us!